How To Create Static ISP Proxies

Sun, 05 May 2024 | Ethan Doran

How To Create Static ISP Proxies Image


In the ever-evolving world of internet infrastructure, having a reliable and fast internet connection is paramount for businesses and tech enthusiasts alike. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough on how to establish a static Tier 1 Internet Service Provider (ISP) connection. Whether you're setting up a data center or need a robust network for your business, understanding the intricacies of Tier 1 connectivity can significantly enhance your operations.

Step-by-Step Setup

Step 1: Choose a Data Center Provider

Select a data center provider that can facilitate the installation of a bearer from a Tier 1 ISP and assist with setting up connectivity. While most providers are equipped to handle these requests, opting for a smaller provider might offer more flexibility and personalized service.

Step 2: Rent a Server

Rent a server based on the size of the subnet you plan to manage. For example managing a /20 subnet (4096 IPs), it's advisable to opt for a server with specifications like 128GB of RAM, 32 vCPUs, a 10 Gig NIC, and 1GBPS of throughput, running on a Linux operating system.

Step 3: Source a Subnet

Acquire a subnet that aligns with the same Regional Internet Registry (RIR) as your ISP—for instance, RIPE for European ISPs. While platforms like IPXO offer a variety of subnet options, ensure the subnets are clean and suitable for your specific needs, especially if pristine IPs are a requirement.

Step 4: Announce Subnets and Set Up Routing

Work with your Tier 1 ISP to announce your subnets, then coordinate with your data center provider to route these subnets to your server. This step is crucial for making your IPs accessible and operational within your network.

Additional Guidance

Throughout each of these steps, both your data center host and Tier 1 ISP should provide comprehensive support and guidance. Their expertise will be invaluable in navigating the technical and administrative aspects of setting up a static Tier 1 ISP connection.

Example with BT Internet:

For practical understanding, let’s consider setting up with BT Internet:

  • Rent a server and router: Choose any UK Data Center (preferably London based).
  • Install a physical bearer: Contract BT Business to install a bearer to your premises.
  • Costs: Approximately £1920/month for 10Gbps of throughput. Additionally, there is a fee of £400 to announce and register up to 100 subnets at a time.

Additional Considerations

For those looking for hassle-free setup and management, consider reaching out to specialized service providers:

  • Server Rentals and ISP Connections: Contact Zetta Proxies at [email protected] for server rentals that come pre-configured with ISP connectivity. We also offer subnets and managed ISP services.
  • Reseller API Integration: If you plan to resell your ISP services, Zetta Proxies provides a comprehensive system with reseller API integration. This can be a valuable tool for managing customer access and billing efficiently.


Setting up a static Tier 1 ISP connection might seem daunting due to the technical and financial considerations involved. However, with the right preparation and understanding of the process, it can greatly enhance your network's reliability and performance. Remember, choosing the right partners and providers like Zetta Proxies can simplify the process and ensure your infrastructure meets the highest standards.